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land line造句

"land line"是什么意思  
  • I ' ll call you tomorrow from a land line
  • Land line subscriber
  • India nearly doubled its mobile - phone subscriptions last year to 150m and the government expects 500m ( mobile and land lines ) by 2010
    印度移动电话用户数量去年几乎翻了一番,达到1 . 5亿人,政府则预期到2010年,这一数量(包括移动和固定电话)达到5亿。
  • Telephone systems are at the heart of business , whether it is a standard land line , mobile phones , voicemail , teleconferencing , or internet phone software .
  • In places with bad roads , few trains and parlous land lines , mobile phones substitute for travel , allow price data to be distributed more quickly and easily , enable traders to reach wider markets and generally make it easier to do business
  • In places with bad roads , few trains and parlous land lines , they substitute for travel , allow price data to be distributed more quickly and easily , enable traders to reach wider markets and generally ease the business of doing business
  • Mr . leung and mr . yeung , applying the new technology in data processing , reduced the size of the system and its energy consumption , making the system easy to carry and install . they also made use of the general packet radio service data transmission technology to provide one - stop data transmission from remote areas without land lines back to the observatory headquarters 24 hours round the clock
    梁贤基先生及杨志宇先生应用新科技于数据处理,缩减了系的体积及耗电量,方便安及携带亦采用通用分组无线服务gprs资料传输技术,在没有固网服务的遍远地区运作,亦能"一站式" 24小时无间断地将资料传送回天文台总部。
  • It's difficult to see land line in a sentence. 用land line造句挺难的
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